Final Fantasy TCG Online Winter League
Lockdown didn't stop anyone from enjoying their favourite hobbies this winter! Together with the Cymru Cactuars, we held an online league for Final Fantasy Trading Card Game, as not to keep the spirit going of our fantastic yearly Winter Cup.
After 4 weeks of hard-fought battles with 26 registered players - the preliminary rounds of the Winter League had come to a close and we had our top 8!
Seems that no one could roll the Dol in swiss and Steve Dolman of Scotland's Yuna Young Team went into top 8 entirely undefeated, using a different deck in every single round. (Check out his Deck Tech Talk here for more details)
Top 8 was it's own single elimination, 2 deck format tournament, with all other players being invited to join in on a host of different side events with big prizes!) at the same time on the day!
After an incredibly intense final streamed on Twitch - Luis Bardon-Burnett took the crown from Jacob Bond. Well done Luis!
For a rundown of the decks used by the top 8, check out the FFDecks link here
Thanks to everyone who joined us these last few weeks, and indeed for the last few months It's been incredible to see the community support the game and our venue throughout this difficult year.

30 Jan 2021