Weekly Event Summary
Event Summary w/c Monday 13th September 2021
September 2021 - Andy Walpole
Week beginning Monday 13th September The South Wales Gaming Centre has the following events:
Organised Play
- Pokemon Organised Play from 6pm.
- Dragon Ball Super Organised Play from 6pm.
- MtG Draft at 6.30pm.
- MtG Casual Commander at 6.30pm
- Final Fantasy TCG Organised Play from 6pm.
- MtG Modern at 6.30pm.
- YuGiOh Casual Organised Play from 6pm.
- Kindling Club (Teenagers) on Friday from 5pm.
- MtG Casual Commander on Friday at 6.30pm.
- YuGiOh OTS Organised Play on Saturday from 12.30.
- Warhammer 40,000 Dawn of a New Age 3 from 8.30am.
- Innistrad The Midnight Hunt Friday Pre-Release from 6pm.
- Digimon Store Championship September from 11am.
- Innistrad The Midnight Hunt Saturday Pre-Release from 11.30am.
Tickets and more details for Organised Play and Events from www.thebattlefields.co.uk
Tickets for casual play wargaming and for RPG/Board Games are available all week from www.thebattlefields.co.uk.
Tickets for casual play card games before 6pm are available all week at the venue.