Weekly Event Summary

Event summary w/c Monday 10th June 2019

June 2019 - Andy Walpole

Week beginning Monday 10th June in The South Wales Gaming Centre we have the following events:
Note: There is Casual Play available in The Battlefields and The Arena on Saturday and Sunday. There will be no Casual Play in The South Wales Gaming Centre on 22nd and 23rd June.
- Pokemon Booster Challenge on Tuesday from 6pm.
- KeyForge Organised Play on Tuesday from 6.30pm.
- Dragon Ball Super CG OP on Tuesday from 7pm.
- MtG Draft on Tuesday from 7pm.
- Transformers TCG OP on Thursday from 7pm.
- Final Fantasy TCG Organised Play on Thursday from 7pm.
- MtG Friday Night Magic on Friday from 5pm.
- Star Wars: Imperial Assault OP on Friday from 6.30pm
-YuGiOh Saturday Organised Play on Saturday from Noon.
-Star Wars: Armada OP on Sunday from 9.30am.
Tickets and details from www.thebattlefields.co.uk
The Cafe will be open on Saturday.