Cardiff Carnage Teams 2024 Warhammer 40,000 Tournament

Ref: Warhammer 40,000 Tournament in The South Wales Gaming Centre

Cardiff Carnage Teams 2024 Warhammer 40,000 Tournament
Event DateSaturday 5th Oct 2024
Event Start8:30 AM
Event Duration2 Days
Players per Ticket4


PLEASE NOTE: Tickets for this event are not being sold by The South Wales Gaming Centre.

Please Click Here to buy tickets

Welcome to the first Cardiff Carnage Team Event!
This is a 4 man team, 5 round event, WTC style, with space for up to 24 teams.
There will be one dense, 2 mediums and 1 light board for interesting pairings. Using the VT terrain set.
  • 1st place will have trophies and LARP weapons
  • 2nd place will have trophies
  • 3rd place will have trophies
  • Best painted
  • Wooden spoon
  • Most sporting team

Your choice of hot lunch will be provided by our on site Cafe facility.

Vouchers for lunch will be issued during registration.

For larger events our on site Cafe facility will be selling sausage and bacon rolls until 10.30 am.

We ask that you don’t bring your own food or drink into The South Wales Gaming Centre.